Ask a question about driving in Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan:

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8 days ago

Hey i already read that it is possible to rent a car in Kyrgistan with you and cross border with kasachstan for example. But i cant find the price for driving the car in extra country? rental would be Bischkek to bischkek with a visit in taschkent or almaty or both.

Travel Land
8 days ago
Reply to  Jonas

Dear Jonas,

In 2025 season all cars are limited for driving in Kyrgyzstan territory only.

Travel Land

Lode Van den Broeck
19 days ago


We would like to rent a car for our roadstrip in Kyrgyzstan.
We also would like to use the airport transfer, but our plane lands at 7U20 a.m. Is this possible for the airport transfer? (because website says 09-18h)?
Kind regards,
Lode Van den Broeck

Travel Land
8 days ago

Dear Lode Van den Broeck,

Sure, you can select an airport transfer during booking.
Passport control + Luggage recieve will take some time and then you can be picked up by our driver.


26 days ago


we want to visit Kirgisistan in March/April for about 14 days. Is it allowed and save to leave the car behind at the road and hike into the mountains/hills to camp there for one night?

Thanks + best,

Travel Land
8 days ago
Reply to  Manu

Dear Manu,

Yes, you can leave your car on the road and go to the mountains unless there is a no-parking sign, and usually, it is safe.
However, we recommend you to park the car at proper places.

Travel Land

Robert Perle
2 months ago

Hello, I want to visit Kirgistan in September 2025 (14 days) and I need a 4×4 car for this time. How long before is it necessary to book and what are your terms in case of cancellation???
Thanks for your answer!

Travel Land
1 month ago
Reply to  Robert Perle

Dear Robert,

Thank you for the request.
For the car booking in September we recommend to book 3-6 month in advance. September is hot season and it is reasonable to reserve vehicle in advance.

Cancellation fee is 5% from booking amount or you can choose move your booking to the next season free of charge.

Travel Land

2 months ago

Do Your cars have a towing cable?

Travel Land
1 month ago
Reply to  Jan

Dear Jan,

All cars are equipped with:

• Tow rope
• Spare tire
• Air compressor
• Electric wires
• Basic tool kit
• Fire extinguisher
• Jack

Travel Land

2 months ago

Do you have a fridge or a cooler in the cars? Or is it possible to rent?

Travel Land
1 month ago
Reply to  Jan

Dear Jan,

Cars are not equipped with fridges and unfortunately we don’t have them for rent.

Travel Land

3 months ago

Hello ,

We want to drive the Arabel Pass in august.
Is it not possible to drive it then in a 4×4 , when the rivers are low ?

best regards

Travel Land
1 month ago
Reply to  Silvia

Dear Silvia,

Arabel plateu contain dangerous off-road conditions, due to this it is listed in prohibited roads.
More information you can get via this link:

Travel Land

3 months ago

Good afternoon
Is unlimited miliage included in the rental price, or do I need to pay after a maximum amount of kilometers?

Travel Land
3 months ago
Reply to  Marc

Dear Marc,

The unlimited mileage is included.

Travel Land

6 months ago

Will it be possible to drive to Tajikistan in 2025? Thank you!

Travel Land
1 month ago
Reply to  Leonard

Dear Leonard,

Vehicles are allowed for driving in Kyrgyzstan only.

Travel Land

1 year ago

Добрый день! Есть возможность взять машину в Оше, а через несколько дней сдать её в Бишкеке?

2 years ago

Hello! We are planning to come to Kyrgyzstan at the end of August 2023 We would like to have a one-way car from Bishkek and return it in Dushanbe / Tajikistan. Is this possible? All the best!

2 years ago

здравствуйте. Есть ли возможность арендовать машину в Ош, а сдать в Бишкеке?

Anunciación Panedas
2 years ago

Good afternoon, I would like to rent a car with driver in Naryn, would it be possible, how much would it cost? Thank you in advance

2 years ago

Добрый вечер! Подскажите пожалуйста, депозит по карте российского банка возможен?

2 years ago

Добрый день! возможна аренда-сдача в Оше? и какая стоимость?

2 years ago

Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, хотели бы взять в аренду автомобиль в Бишкеке, поездить по Киргизии, съездить в Алма-Аты и вернуться в Бишкек. Возможно ли это (пересечение границ 2х государств)? Есть ли какая-то доплата? Спасибо!

2 years ago

Добрый день! возможно взять авто в Бишкеке а сдать в Ош?

2 years ago

День добрый. Мне нужна полноприводная машина на период с 17 по 24 июня. Мне 54 года. Стаж вождения с 1989 года. Получение и сдача авто предпочтительно в аэропорту. Могли бы вы сделать мне предложение?

Paulo Martins
2 years ago

Is it possible to drive your cars in Tajakistan?

3 years ago

Bonjour, je souhaiterais savoir quels sont les véhicules sur lesquels une tente de toit peut être installée ? Est-il possible d’installer deux tentes de toit sur un véhicule ?

3 years ago

Добрый день. Подскажите, пожалуйста, в IKU можно взять авто в аренду у вас?

3 years ago

Добрый день! Подскажите, пожалуйста, если брать машину в Бишкеке, а сдавать в Оше (или наоборот), то какая будет доплата? Может ли быть опция без доплаты? (если, например, вам самим надо перегнать из одного города машину в другой)

3 years ago

Здравствуйте. Правильно ли я понимаю, что цена которую я вижу в системе бронирования является финальной? Или есть какие то еще дополнительные платежи? Входит ли страховка в эту сумму? Могу ли я оплатить в рублях?

Mabillard Patrice
5 years ago

Demande de renseignements, Bonjour, Fin août 2020 nous aimerions louer 2 motos pour environs un mois. Variante 1: Nous souhaitons partir de Och pour rejoindre Samarcande, Douchanbé, Korhog, Och. Est-ce possible? Variante 2: Pouvons-nous louer 2 motos a

5 years ago

Hello, I want to rent 3 4×4 vehicles from July 17 to August 3 equipped with All Terrain tires (no road tires) and roof tents. You can tell me if it is possible and at what price

5 years ago

Здравствуйте! Заинтересовал этот авто Big 4×4 VAN – GMC Savana (Camper). Есть ли на нем багажник? Свободен ли он с 6 по 15 июня. Можно ли с вами в мессенджере связаться? вотсап например

6 years ago

Добрый день. Могу я получить и сдать авто в Чолпон-Ате? , если это возможно то сколько это будет стоить ? Планируемый период аренды авто 10.07.19 по 23.07.19

6 years ago

Salam! On which dates do you offer the Tour “T9. Self-Drive Kyrgyzstan” ? Can we ride this tour alone (self-guided) ? (We have experience with offroad driving.)

6 years ago

Hello! I only have a EU drivers license from Germany. Do you provide assistance to get a notarized local translation? Thank you!

6 years ago

Hello ! I was wondering if it’s possible to cross the border between Tadjikistan and Afghanistan with your car but only to go to Afghan’s side Eshkashem village, not further ? Thank you so much.

6 years ago

What is the currency you are quoting on your car hire (US dollars?)

6 years ago

je voudrais prendre une assurance tous risques avec la location de voiture merci de me répondre

6 years ago

Hi! We are interested in renting a 4×4 (self-drive) from Osh (26/10/2018) to Bishkek (28/10/2018). Please let me know if you have any available car, if so also the total cost.

Thomas Ritter
6 years ago

Hello, I would like to rent a 4×4 car from the to 15th. of october, starting and returning at Bishkek airport .During that time, I need to drive to Almaty, Kasachstan for 2 days. Is it possible to cross the border with the rental car ?

Marcia Barlow
6 years ago

IWhat is your cancellation policy? f I make a reservation, a week before I arrive to pick up the car, and I need to change, can I cancel the reservation with no penalty?

6 years ago

bonjour, nous voudrions louer une voiture pour le mois de novembre, pensez vous qu’on ai besoin des pneux neige ? les proposez vous ? Merci beaucoup.

6 years ago

Hi, do you have baby seats for rented cars? i will be coming to kyrgyzstan in september with my husband and a two-years old and will be needing a car seat for a child in a rented car. thanks!

6 years ago

Hi, we are a group of 24 year olds wanting to hire a car in Bishkek and return in osh. Do you the best way to go about this?

Rolf Kohler
6 years ago

Hello, Is it possible to change Swiss francs in local money or is it better tu take Euros or USdollars? Thank you.

jean delescluse
6 years ago

Hello, is it possible to book a car from Bishkek or Och and to give it back in Dushanbe ? Do you have any car available at the end of august ? Looking forward, thanks, Jean

hiroki ogasawara
6 years ago

Can I pay with the credit card on the day?

6 years ago

Booking ID:MPTV-260618 Can I pay by credit card American Express or VISA?

Vercoustre Raphael
6 years ago

Hello, we are a groupe of 4 people of 20-21 years old and we would like to rente one of your car, is it possible ? Sincerely

6 years ago

Hi, my girlfriend and I want to rent a car this summer. We are both 22 years old and have had our license for 4 years. Is this OK to rent a car? Also; can we pick up the car in Karakul? (and return in Bishkek?)

6 years ago

Здравствуйте, хотим арендовать машину с 15 июня на 4 или 5 дней . Какие необходимо предоставить документы? Пожалуйста ответьте срочно.

christie elaut
6 years ago

Hello, I look for a car to rent (4×4) for me and my husband. We will arive at Bishkek on 1 september 2018 and leave 17 th of september 2018. I checked the website for cars but there is only one available for 65 dollar a day, isn’t there a cheaper one ? Th

celia ruiz
6 years ago

We are two, we want to rent a 4×4 in August 2018. I have a credit card but it is my friend that will drive. Is it possible to rent the car if the credit card does not belong to the driver? Thank you for the response

6 years ago

Добрый день. Друзья посоветовали вашу компанию.С 25.07 по 05.08. мне нужен авто на 6 мест, минивэн может быть. Какие варианты можете предложить? Спасибо

mark rodgers
6 years ago

Hi, we would like to hire a car from Monday the the 28th (tomorrow) until Saturday the 2nd. Do you have anything available? Preferably a Niva if possible. Thanks Mark

Matthew Shore
6 years ago

Hello, Is it possible to rent a car from Bishkek and arrange a drop off in Tajikistan? Preferably Dushanbe?

6 years ago

Hello, i would like to know if I can hire a car in Biskek but return it in Osh. Do you do this kind of service? I would Hire a car for the duration of two weeks in early September. Thanks for your help! Armin

sharona amar
6 years ago

We are a family of 4. We would like a jeep (4wd) from July 27-Aug 6, 2018. Do you have one available? Also, would like to rent tent Thank you

jeffrey faranial
6 years ago

Hello, is it possible to drop and pay the car to my hotel in Bishkek? I will be in the country from April 13-18. Thanks.

6 years ago

How much is gas? How much is insurance per day? if you insurance does not cover broken window, what my other options are?

Aletse Martinez
6 years ago

Hello! My husband and I are interested in renting a small car and we were wondering if we can cross to Kazakhstan from Karakol and if we need a permit or how much are the fees for border crossing. Thank you so much

Richard Silverman
6 years ago

I want to rent a car around March 17 for a week of travel to Karakol and Almaty. Please send me information about your best rate on an economy car or small SUV. Do you have winter tires? also a quote for 8 week summer rental

7 years ago

Is Toyota Sequoia only possibility for travel to Kazachstan? We are only 2 persons, mainly travelling in Kyrgyzstan, so we prefer a smaller and cheaper car. And we are interested in drop off in Osh, can’t find the price on the site.

Vojtech Sindelar
7 years ago

Hello. I’d like to ask to which of the surrounding countries is it possible to go with your cars and what are the possible pickup and drop_off locations. Thanks!

Rene Stel
7 years ago

Almost the same question. I see that the Toyota Sequoia is ‘approved for use in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan’. Isn’t it possible to also cross the border to Kazakhstan?

7 years ago

Hello, We are interesting to visit Central Asia on summer. Is it possible to cross the borders to Kazajstan, Uzbekistán and Tajikistan. Thnak you very much.

7 years ago

Hello, we want to travel the pamir highway next summer of 2018. Is it allowed to cross the border to Tajikistan with these cars?

7 years ago

Здравствуйте! Хотим начать экскурсию из города Ош с заездом на Иссык-куль окончание маршрута Бишкек.

Wladyslaw Lokietek
7 years ago

How many people can go in the Toyota Grannd Hiace ? May we travel with a group of 10 people ?

Wladyslaw Lokietek
7 years ago

We are a group of 15 people from Belgium and we intend to visit Kirghistan on summer 2018.

7 years ago

I am planning to meet a local friend in Bishkk during the month of November. Together we plan on traveling during 7-10 days. I am 21yo and have 3years of driving experience. Can we arrange something? Or do you know a company which could rent me?

7 years ago

I would like to buy two gaz cylinder. I am in Bishkek, will it be possible to pic them up at our agency today?

7 years ago

Is it possible to rent a car in Uzbekistan?

7 years ago

Hi, is it possible to go to Kazachstan with one of your cars? Pickup and return should be in Bishkek.

Remco van der Kroft
7 years ago

We will come from Almaty. Can you meet us at the border?

7 years ago

Hi, I would llike to book a 4×4 for 6 persons from the 2nd of august till the 15th of august. I have not seen if you have that kind of car in the difeerent description. Could you tell me please ?

Stephen Jennings
7 years ago

Can this van Toyota Grand Hiace go to Song Kul over pass from kochkor?

7 years ago

Hi, it is possible rent car in Bishkek and return in Ohs? Thank you

Alexandre ROBA
7 years ago

can you send me your IBAN bank account number because I would like to pay my 10% downpayment to confirm my booking

7 years ago

Hello, all the cars are only for driving within Kyrgystan? If not, will it be possible with an extra insurance?

7 years ago

Vorrei prendere un’auto in noleggio ( per un giorno) da 01.05.2017al 02. 05. 2017

johan nylander
7 years ago

Is it possible to get by car to Osh without going into Uzbekhistan ?

7 years ago

Do vehicles have to be returned to Bishkek? Or is there a return service from, say, Khorog or Dushanbe for example, so as to do a one-way trip across the Pamir Hwy?

7 years ago

If I want to rent from 20 April to 28 April one Nissan Patrol how much it will be?

7 years ago

Do You have 4WD cars siutable for 7-8 people ?

Martijn dingemans
7 years ago

What is the minimum age to rent a car in bishkek?

Jack Kauw
8 years ago

Is it allowed to drive witht the rented car on the Pamir Highway to Tadjikistan?