Requirements for renting a car:
- Drivers must be at least 25 years old.
- Driving experience should be at least 5 years
(it should be written in the driving license if your current license was renewed – please attach the previous license) - Credit Card is required for the Safety Deposit (30.000 KGS)
We encouraged you to purchase your own personal insurance for medical emergencies, i.e. travelers insurance.
Information about insurance and official procedures in a traffic accident
This is only about vehicle insurance, not individual health insurance. Most of the cars in Kyrgyzstan are not insured. In Kyrgyzstan no compulsory insurance law.
The car you are renting is insured in case of a traffic accident. This insurance covers both the car you rented and the car of another person involved in the accident.
What is an insured event:
This is a road accident that occurred on public roads, as a result of which the car is damaged.
The insurance is valid on public roads in the territory of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Insurance is not comprehensive.
In the event of an insurance incident, a 300USD deductible fee is withheld from the Lessee. In the event that the driver has damaged the rented car so that it cannot be repaired, the deductible fee is 15% of the car’s value. The cost of the car is listed in the rental agreement.
The cost that the insurance company reimburses to another participant of the road incident is 1 000 000 KGS (third party liability)
What is an Extra Insurance package:
Extra Insurance has a rate of 11$\day and can be added to your booking during car pick-up or car booking online.
This Extra Insurance package covers:
- Tires
In the event of complete tire damage, insurance covers the cost of a new tire.
Extra insurance does not compensate for tire delivery, also as time, and cost of tire repairs during the trip. - Rims
Cover cost of rim change in case of rim damage - Windows
Cover the cost of window replacement - Battery
Cover the cost of battery replacement. - Headlights & Tail Lights
Cover the cost of headlights & tail lights replacement.
The cost of the above parts/damages is determined by the lessor.
If the Lessee purchases this insurance, the Lessor will not charge the client for these damages at the end of the rental period,
The Lessor is not liable for independent spending by the Lessee during the rental period
What is a non-insured event:
1. Alcohol intoxication
2. Lack of documents from the police
3. Any damage caused by off-road driving or river fording
4. Damage to the bottom, tires, suspension, glass, and optics of the car
For example: If, as a result of driving on a bad road, the shock absorber was torn off, bent the lever, or damaged the engine or gearbox pan, then this is not an insured event.
What documents are required in order to obtain the insurance:
- Resolution of Accident
- Accident Scheme
- Accident Reference
- Medical Alcohol Test
- Copy of the driver’s license, passport & car technical passport of the other participant (if any)
What to do in case of an accident:
1. Make sure that everyone is safe and that medical assistance is not required.
2. Call us, and we will decide how to do it right and best in the current situation.
3. Call the police officers to the scene.
4. Take a photo of the vehicle & accident place from different angles.
5. Follow the instructions of the police officers: (The driver should be with the police officer personally)
- Police will seize your driver’s license and technical passport of the car
- Police will take the car to the police parking lot.
- Police will issue documents about the accident: Resolution of Accident, Accident Scheme, Accident Reference, Medical Alcohol Test
Police procedures can take from 1 day and more.
6. Pay an official government fine for being involved in a traffic accident, towing a vehicle, and damaging property.
7. Get your hands on all the designated documents.
8. Go to the office of our company to sign documents and complete the formalities.
Sample of an Insured case:
Our client got into a traffic accident on the Cholpon Ata – Karakol highway with another car
The total amount of repair of the two damaged cars is 10,000 USD.
Deductible fee is only 300USD which has to be paid by our Lessee, the remaining 9700USD will be covered by the insurance company. This calculation will remain unchanged for the client, and it does not matter whether he is right or wrong in a traffic incident.
The customer got all the required documents from the police about the road accident and provided them to our office.
In this or similar situation, the Lessee will have to pay a traffic fine and pay for the delivery of the car by recovery to Bishkek.
In Bishkek, the car will be repaired at the car maintenance center, if the damage is repaired quickly, the client will be able to continue the journey. If the damage is more serious and takes a long time, then no spare car can be provided to the client.